Electric Eels Can be Shocking
Although electric eels look like a snake, they are actually classified more like a carp or a catfish. The eels live in South America in freshwater streams and ponds, so you won't see them in Indiana except in a pet store or zoo. Their diet is mainly fish, but they also eat amphibians, birds and small mammals. Since they breathe air, they have to come to the surface regularly. Because of their poor eyesight, they emit a low-level electrical charge, less than 10 volts, which they use like radar to navigate and locate prey.
They can be very frightening because of their size. Eels can grow to more than 8 feet long and 44 pounds in weight. They have long, cylindrical bodies and flattened heads and are usually dark green or gray on top with yellowish coloring underneath.
It is extremely rare for an electric eel to kill a human, but multiple shocks can cause respiratory or heart failure, and people have been known to drown in shallow water after a stunning jolt. Let's all be glad they don't live in Indiana!
If you need service on electric eels in your aquarium, please don't call us -- we don't repair them. But we do service everything else that's electrical around your house, so you can call us for any of those items.